Christmas in July – 2024

Well Christmas in July was awesome, very busy, but so enjoyable for our guests and our members. We are always so proud and pleased to share our creativity and hard work with our community partners: The Alliston Foodbank, Matthew’s House Hospice, My Sister’s Place, The Good Samaritan and Simcoe Manor.  Altogether 122 Quilts of Comfort were donated to these important local partners. As an extra special addition to the evening we were able to share the it with some of our recipients who came to visit from Simcoe Manor. Thank you to all of our members, and friends of QCG, who work together to make such an important event possible. We are already busy preparing quilts and planning ahead for our December donations.

Always in Stitches, Senora🪡


Annual General Meeting – 2024

Well last night was a jam packed meeting for Quilting Corners Guild.  Lots of members, guests, a speaker from Grandmother’s Embrace, heaps of Community Outreach and Show n Tell, a fun game, demos and of course the AGM for elections. Thank you to the 2023 executive members for all of their time and dedication to this very prolific and action packed guild.  We welcome our 2024 executive…who look very similar…just a little mix up in roles!  Below we see the exchange of the official guild rotary cutter from Past President Cathy to President Tammy, and a pic of the executive.  Thank you to Cheryl for taking on the role of VP once again, and all of the gals who will continue to work toward a full roster of events and activities for 2024. Looking forward to the things already in motion!

Always in Stitches, Senora 😊

October Guild Meeting

Well last week’s guild was a success…a really interesting and informative presentation on Scrappy Quilts, accolades for our mini retreat days and the biggest Community Intake to date.  I have tried to capture the ‘haul’ below…40 quilts, 6 quilt tops, 40 stockings, 13 pillow cases, and 1 quilt for an auction. Also a box of handmade stuffed animals and cloth books are in safe storage with a guild member. We are well on our way with knot bags and heart pillows too…22 bags and 20 pillows arrived last night, to add to the already completed ones. Add all of this to the 40 quilts already sorted and bagged for December.  What an impressive effort! Thank you to all of the busy hands in Quilting Corners Guild. 👏👏
Always in Stitches, Senora🪡

Tinner’s Reveal

Last evening was our Tinner’s Reveal.  Thank you to Dianne for organizing the Past President’s Challenge.  Twenty-five members participated over the 8 months and 14 quilts were on display for the reveal.  It was lots of fun to see the creativity of each quilter and how they designed and completed their piece.  Members voted for their favourite and below are the pictures of the winners.

Tied for 1st place:  Karen D. – Winter Theme and Maureen B – Under the Sea

2nd Place – Senora B – Cats and Dogs

3rd Place – Lucy L – Butterflies

Annual General Meeting

Another jam packed guild meeting. This was our Annual General Meeting where the new president, Cathy, received the rule book and guild rotary cutter from now past president, Cheryl.  Also of note the other executive positions will continue status quo. The only position remaining open is vice president.  It is important to have all 7 positions filled in order to continue the hidden planning and organizing required to bring 11 meetings, 4 Sit n Sews, a quilt show and hopefully a mini retreat or workshop to our membership…and outreach to our community partners! So step up if possible.

Passing the ‘torch’…a rotary cutter.

Thanks to the outgoing executive.

Welcome to the new executive…familiar faces, minus a VP!

Community Outreach collected this evening. So proud to be a part of such a productive and phenomenal group of quilters. Thanks very much!

Always in Stitches, Senora😊🪡🧵

October Sit n Sew

On October 15th Quilting Corners Guild hosted our fourth and final Sit n Sew for 2022. 13 members and one guest, our friend Karen from Thunder Bay, worked together to make quilted Christmas stockings for our various outreach partners. These are always productive days of sewing, learning and chatter. The total count for the day was 63+ stockings, including the demo samples, the daily work and a few in progress. Well done ladies!
Always in Stitches, Senora😊


Sit n Sew – July 9, 2022

Our second Sit n Sew this year was a hit, with 11 members and 3 guests in attendance. Today’s  focus was Quilts of Valour or a project of choice. The QoV accomplishments included 60 log cabin blocks, the 5th poppy quilt top is nearing completion, the blocks for 1 zig zag quilt are made and Cheryl spent the day stripping…fabric for a bargello quilt. Other accomplishments included cloth youth bags, a top of 4 patches and an exploding heart. Snacks, a communal luncheon and lots of laughter were enjoyed by all. A very nice day!  Our next Sit n Sew day is August 27th.
Always in stitches…Senora🧵



First Sit ‘n Sew Day in Over 2 Years!

Ten gals got their machines out and their hands busy at our first Sit n Sew since the Fall of 2019. We had a lovely day assembling 4 Quilts of Valour tops from the over 130 poppy blocks created by members over the last few months. Those will be kitted up this week and off to some of our longarmers for quilting. We also worked on 3 other QoV tops and a QoC.  Thanks to everyone who attended today and those who contributed to the block making. Another productive activity for Quilting Corners Guild.



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