Christmas in July – 2024

Well Christmas in July was awesome, very busy, but so enjoyable for our guests and our members. We are always so proud and pleased to share our creativity and hard work with our community partners: The Alliston Foodbank, Matthew’s House Hospice, My Sister’s Place, The Good Samaritan and Simcoe Manor.  Altogether 122 Quilts of Comfort were donated to these important local partners. As an extra special addition to the evening we were able to share the it with some of our recipients who came to visit from Simcoe Manor. Thank you to all of our members, and friends of QCG, who work together to make such an important event possible. We are already busy preparing quilts and planning ahead for our December donations.

Always in Stitches, Senora🪡


Delightful Surprise!

On June 6th Simcoe Manor hosted a lovely thank you tea for the members of Quilting Corners Guild. Today they invited Pam and I for a delightful surprise, a monetary donation to put towards our quilts.  A big thank you to Wayne and Marilyn, president and vice president, of the Residents Council for their generosity. We will put those dollars to good use and continue to make quilts and share them with others in our community.
Always in Stitches, Senora🪡

Quilts of Valour Donation

On June 4th Quilting Corners Guild presented 18 quilts to Quilts of Valour – Canada. The quilts are a labour of love and creativity made by members of QCG and volunteers who attend the sew days hosted by our local quilt shop, Country Concessions.  Our regional rep, Elizabeth, was there to receive the quilts which will then be presented to Canadian Armed Forces members, ill or injured, past and present. A sincere thank you goes out to our guild members, friends of the guild and Cynthia, of Country Concessions, for all the many hands, hours and contributions provided to make this special donation possible.

Always in stitches,

Quilts of Valour Presentation

QCG continues to create QoV for our military and it is especially gratifying to see one of the quilts being presented. Below are two of our quilts that were recently received by K. Foote and N. Breckon. Thank you for your service. 🇨🇦


Road Trip!

Road trip anyone?

Yesterday was Quilting Corners Guild’s first bus trip in a few years.  What a success! 42 happy travelers enjoyed 2 quilt shops and a lovely quilt show, snacks, friendship and of course shopping!  A great big thank you to Cheryl for initiating, organizing and hosting the trip and coordinating with Donna on the bus, games, welcome bundles and prizes. Thanks also goes out to members who contributed our many prizes and Banting Memorial HS Hospitality for our snacks. It was lots of fun all around.

Always in Stitches, Senora🪡

Sit n Sew – 23 March 2024

We had a great turnout today for our first Sit n Sew of 2024!  22 gals came out to work on Community Outreach projects, personal projects and just have some quality chat time with friends. 21 quilt piecing kits were distributed and all but 1 were picked up and worked on. As the pictures show there were lots of stitches put in place, as 17 quilt tops were completed and the remainder went home for finishing touches. Lots of happy faces and busy hands. Thanks to everyone for a good day. Hope to see you at our next Sit n Sew on June 15th.
Always in Stitches,

Annual General Meeting – 2024

Well last night was a jam packed meeting for Quilting Corners Guild.  Lots of members, guests, a speaker from Grandmother’s Embrace, heaps of Community Outreach and Show n Tell, a fun game, demos and of course the AGM for elections. Thank you to the 2023 executive members for all of their time and dedication to this very prolific and action packed guild.  We welcome our 2024 executive…who look very similar…just a little mix up in roles!  Below we see the exchange of the official guild rotary cutter from Past President Cathy to President Tammy, and a pic of the executive.  Thank you to Cheryl for taking on the role of VP once again, and all of the gals who will continue to work toward a full roster of events and activities for 2024. Looking forward to the things already in motion!

Always in Stitches, Senora 😊

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