
We are an industrious group! I thought it important to let you know what we collected at our Tuesday guild meeting toward Community Outreach:

– 41 stockings, 6 gift sacks and 2 ornaments…we now have 76 stockings in total
– 24 completed Quilts of Comfort
– 16 quilt tops
– 7 quilts for binding
– 2 coin strips
– 100+ DFGs liners, 44 bags, 16 panties, 1 ziploc box and toiletries

Thank you very much for your generosity…in skill, resources and time! 😆👍🏼😆🎉

A reminder from Donna about DFGs bags…

Anyone who has taken a Days for Girls bag kit – please be careful sewing the side seams. Because they were cut from the old dimensions, the side seams need to be sewn with a 1/4″ seam – so that the bags finish at minimum 10 1/2″ wide. This is now the minimum size required. If the bags have turned out smaller, Days for Girls still accept them, but will set them aside for use in shelters, as cosmetic bags, etc.

Kits going forward will be cut at the new dimensions, so shouldn’t be a problem. Thanks to everyone who’s worked on this project !
Looking forward to our December presentations of our combined efforts.

In Stitches…

Our Days for Girls…

Our Days for Girls contact – Carolyn Sheehan – is just back from a successful trip to Cambodia. While we continue to sew bags for their kits, she has let us know that there is always a need for the following to complete the kits:

1L Ziploc bags (must be 1L size and Ziploc brand)

Undies are most needed (colourful, girls sizes 8-14 and some women’s xs/s) Nothing with bugs or eyes on it, nothing revealing (thongs, hipsters) and all cotton.

Commercially-made terry cloth washcloths – low loft is preferable as they have less bulk to ship and will dry quickly.

They also continue to collect small-sized (hotel samples) soaps
If you would like to contribute any of these items, please bring them along to guild to be collected or they can be held until Carolyn next attends our meeting to collect our completed bags.
Carolyn extends her thanks for our continuing support.

Machine Applique Workshop Supply List

       Machine Embroidery thread to match or contrast with applique pieces

            60 wt thread to match applique pieces

            Invisible thread – clear for light fabric or smoke for dark fabric

            Zig zag machine AND Open toe foot – this should be your machine with the most decorative stitches. Don’t forget the power cord and foot pedal.

            Sharp lead pencils and sharpener or mechanical pencil

            Assorted fabric markers – air and water erasable, frixion, marking pencils including white if using dark background fabric

            Fine point Sharpie marker


            Applique or small sharp scissors – optional

            Paper Scissors

            Fabric Scissors

            Universal machine needles to match thread weight

            Sharp or embroidery machine needles to match embroidery thread

            Individual ironing surface (optional)          

            Scotch tape

            Fabric: 6 to 10 background pieces at 8 ½ x 11” and 40 – 4” squares. Fabric should have good contrast with the background. White or light neutral fabric is suggested for the background. Thread to match applique pieces.

            Note pad and pen for note taking

 HOMEWORK:  Complete the foundation piecing on the sheet you received.

Note:  If you want to buy fusible, the best hand look result is Stacy Michel  “Soft Fuse”; the 2nd best is Sulky ‘Misty Fuse’ and last on my list is Steam a  Seam 2 “Lite”

Supporting Alberta Flood Victims

You will find a project called “Slab Block” using the link below or on the projects page.  This project was inspired by Amanda Jean Nyberg and Cheryl Arkinson authors of the book “Sunday Morning Quilts”.  Cheryl has put a call out to her quilting friends to create even just one block to help in the recovery phase of the Alberta floods.

Our guild has 10 blocks already and we are hoping to collect several more at our August meeting for shipping to Alberta.  So, on these current rainy days, dig into your scrape basket and build a block or two!

Please click on the following link to access the project:  Slab Block