Past President’s Challenge

Our Past President’s Challenge, led by Cathy D, came to an end this evening with Viewer’s Choice. Although all lovely finished quilts were revealed we must recognize our winners:

First Place – Kerry B
Second Place – Judy C
Third Place – Debbie C & Lucie L

Looking forward to seeing all of the completed challenge quilts in June at our Stitching Among Friends quilt show.

Always in Stitches, Senora🪡

Tonight’s Meeting Postponed

Please be advised that tonight’s  (Feb 4) Guild Meeting has been postponed.  Mother Nature has different plans.
It would be appreciated if you could alert your friends just to be sure everyone is made aware.  We are looking to reschedule for next week but need to confirm availability.  Stay tuned for updates on that!


Community Outreach

Let a new year of community outreach begin! Thanks to Donna, who gave 2 days of her time, helping me kit up 38 sets of tops, backings, batting and bindings for distribution. That’s on top of 8 kits that have already gone out. So let the quilting and binding begin. Looking forward to seeing everyone at our February 4th meeting. All packed and ready to go. 😊

Always in Stitches, Senora 🪡

Kits are Ready to Sew!

Toiletry Collection Please 

We are asking our members to bring to our December meeting a donation for the Alliston Foodbank. These are the items that have been requested and that are very much needed: shampoo and conditioner, body wash, body lotion, shaving cream and razors, toothpaste and toothbrushes.
Thanks again for your generosity!
Your Executive

Mini Retreats

Quilting Corners Guild recently held their mini retreat days at Matthews House Hospice.
We wish to thank our corporate sponsors:
All About Sewing
Bolts 2 Blocks
Buy the Bolt
Creekbank Sewing
Creemore House of Stitches
HA Kidd
Hummingbird Sewing
Matthews House Hospice
Retreat at the Farm
Sew and Quilt
Thimbles and Things
as well as members and friends of the guild whose generosity made these days so special for our sewists.